"The standard of truth has been erected. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. Persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble and calumny may defame but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly and independent 'till the purposes of God have been accomplished and the great Jehovah shall say the work is done." -Joseph Smith

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Quick Email with More to Come in A Written Letter Later.

I actually don't remember everything I wrote in the hand written letter. You're welcome to! I'm an open book. (I waited to post the letter until I was given the OK)

Thank you so much for the dictionary! I haven't gotten it yet but I appreciate it!

We're thinking it's just this heat. We're never hungry, we're staying really hydrated (and I'm not saying that to make you happy as a mother, but we seriously have to pee every five minutes. Luckily we're on the same schedule) and we just have stomache aches a lot. I'm pretty sure it's just the heat. Although it only got up to 98 the other day. It was weird... and humid... also a weird sinsation that I haven't felt in a while.

I'm keeping an eye on it. Thanks for takin' care of me :). I try not to spend my money frivorously, I promise.


Sorry... I pushed a button and it sent that message. My bad... Where was I? Oh yeah...
HE GOT AN IPAD FROM THE MTC?!!?!? That's lame.( A friend of mine's son entered the MTC at the end of June and was issued an Ipad for his mission on day 1, notice the jealousy in Hermana Myers tone.)

I did not get Man's Search for Happiness... is it that one or is it Our Search for Happiness that's in the missionary library? I dunno.(Just checked I did order her the right one)
I have no clue what President Park's family does with the goat... I think they feed it (which sounds really dumb, but President Parks does a lot with palm trees like make date paste and goat food... so I think he's the taste tester).

If Dad could send it in the mail(I emailed her my English version of the letter to her investigator whose young daughter passed away. Ken will translate it into Spanish and then we will send it on.) so I can give it to her, that'd be great. Thank you so much! And her name is S. Yeah, I know, interesting name.
So I would love to tell you all about this week in email... but I don't have a whole lot more time and I want to make sure I send all my pictures/videos BUT I did read 2 1/2 chapters of Jesus the Christ WITHOUT a dictionary and understood most of it. Like a boss.
I'll write more in my handwritten letter. 
Much love,
Hermana Myers

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