Hola Padres! (I'm replying to both your emails at once due to time contraints)
Before I forget, what is Polly's email address? I sent her a letter but it got sent back to me so I think emailing would just be tons easier. Also, I got your letter on Wednesday. (that means it takes about 6 days to get from Iowa to Hermana Myers via USPS first class or priority mail as they forward it)
I did get a package from Sandi and I was pleasantly surprised! I wrote her back yesterday so I hope the letter gets to her okay. I haven't gotten the other package yet but I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival.
So this last week:
Everything was a little crazy with Hermana Chevalier leaving and trying to get her ready to go. All in all, as far as missionary work goes, the week wasn't very successful. As far as getting her luggage to fit the weight requirements, mission accomplished. It's really weird though because with her getting ready to go home, I feel like I should be going home soon too. I have to keep telling myself that I still have 16 months.
We're going to the temple on the 4th and I am thuper duper excited! Transfers are on the 15th and we're having a big mission conference in Morino Valley so everyone can see everyone before the mission gets split. This is the transfer that decideds where everyone goes. If I stay in the area that I'm in, then I'll be in the Redlands mission. So that will be interesting to see where it all comes into play.
Mom, I was a little confused with your letter that you sent me. Did you mean that HIllary, Sandy and Hillary's daughter came and stayed with you? If so, that is so cool! How'd it go?
I'm really sorry but off the top of my head I can't think of any good stories from this week. It was all mostly just trying to get Hermana Chevalier back home and then me and Hermana Fogg just trying to understand people. We kind of hope that in this next transfer, we'll stay in this area with a NEW new missionary. Then, boy oh boy will we be a hot mess. But it'll be fun.
Yes, Carter can use my mouthpiece, although from the sounds of it, he already is. I'm glad he's getting into band. Euphonium is the best! And TUBA Christmas is too. Make him go to that. I mean, have him go to that. Don't want to take away his agency...
Thanks for the updates on everyone! I love seeing how everyone is doing. Unfortunately I can't really read all of them but I skim and look for happy thoughts.
I'm very sad now because I feel like I had so much to tell you and now my mind is just completely blank. My bad. I'll start making a list... maybe....( How many weeks until she really does keep a list? Shall we start a pool? Doesn't she realize we are starving for information from her?)
Much love!
Hermana Myers